
Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


The present general conditions of sale apply to the services and the annexed services provided by the company Merk Vision. In the absence of a written contract signed by both parties, these conditions constitute the only agreement between them relating to the object of the order and prevail over any other document. In the event that one of the provisions hereof is deemed or declared null and void or unwritten, the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Cancellation and postponement initiated by merk vision

Cancellation or postponement by Merk Vision reserves the right to postpone or cancel a service. Merk Vision informs the customer as soon as possible. No compensation will be paid to the customer because of a postponement or a initiated by Merk Vision. Merk vision has the right to cancel a coaching or a 1:1 call if during the coaching or call, the client uses abusive language, violates the privacy of Merk Vision employees or offends against modesty. In this case, the service and subsequent services will be cancelled. No refund will be made by Merk Vision to the customer.

Cancellation or postponement initiated by the Customer

In case of cancellation of order, all partial payments and deposits are acquired. Any postponement or cancellation will be invoiced according to the following deadlines: -25% of the amount due if the cancellation or postponement occurs less than 10 days and more than 5 days before the beginning of the service. -100% of the amount due if the cancellation or postponement occurs less than 5 days before the beginning of the service. If a speaker has to travel, travel expenses (and accommodation if necessary) are extra.


The selling prices of the training actions vary according to their nature. Predefined training courses have fixed prices regardless of the number of participants. The prices of customized training courses are defined according to the modules chosen and the number of days of training. The costs related to the tools and teaching materials are included in the daily prices indicated. Any travel and accommodation costs for our consultants and trainers are invoiced in addition.

Terms of payment

The payment must be carried out by the customer at the latest within forty-five days as from the date of intervention, except shorter or longer deadlines especially agreed by Merk Vision. Any delay in payment may justify an interruption of the services. In the event of delay of payment, a penalty equal to 3 times the legal interest rate will be exigible (Art. L 441-6, paragraph 12 of the code of the trade). For any professional, in addition to the allowances of delay, any sum not paid at its date of exigibility will produce of right, the payment of a fixed allowance of 40 € due to the expenses of recovery (Art. Conversely, any advance payment will not be subject to discount in accordance with the law n°92.1442 of 31/12/92.

Clause of forfeiture of the term

Any deadline granted by Merk Vision includes the clause of forfeiture of the term. A single unpaid due date makes the balance of the debt immediately payable.

Confidentiality and property rights

The documents placed at the disposal of the “Customer” are protected by the copyright. All the educational material used remains the sole property of Merk Vision or its partners. Consequently, the reproduction, diffusion or communication to the public without the preliminary authorization of Merk Vision is constitutive of counterfeit and liable to the sanctions which are attached to it. Law and attribution of competence The present conditions of sale are subjected to the French law. In the event of litigation, jurisdiction will be expressly attributed to the court of Nanterre, notwithstanding plurality of defendants or appeal in guarantee. In addition, a penalty of 15% of the amount of the invoice including VAT will be due.

Company Name: Merk Vision (SARL)
SIRET: 515 108 702 00025
address: 9 rue Avice, sevres, 92310

Done at Sèvres, 24.11.2023




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